Internal Committee
Presiding Officer- Dr. Rakhee Chauhan, Department of Political Science
- Member – Male Teaching- Dr. Tarkeshwar
- Member – Female Teaching- Dr. Shanuja Beri
- Lawyer
- Member – Permanent Female Non-Teaching- Ms. Asha
- Member – Permanent Male Non-Teaching- Mr. Sanjay Verma
- 3 Students
Gender Sensitization and Gender Justice are the pillars of any strong institution. Keeping this in mind, Kalindi College strives to provide a safe and secure ambience to its students, faculty and staff members where they can thrive. Internal Committee of the college conducts workshops and organizes gender sentisation programs on regular basis for students, faculty members, administrative and contractual staff.
The Internal Committee (IC) formerly known as Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Kalindi College facilitates such a vision and has necessary mechanisms in place to address complaints of sexual harassment swiftly and diligently. Internal Committee deals with the cases of sexual harassment in the college premises The Sexual Harassment of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013, provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. (Please check the college website for more details: (
The XV-D ordinance is based on the Policy Against Sexual Harassment by the Delhi University and seeks to maintain and create an academic and work environment free of sexual harassment for students, academic and nonteaching staff of the Delhi University.
IC consists of the following members:
- (a) One Presiding Officer who shall be a senior faculty member
- (b) Two Members from amongst the Teaching Staff
- (c) One member from amongst non-governmental organisationor legal firm familiar with issues relating to sexual harassment:
- (d)Two non-teaching staff members
- (e) Three elected student representatives
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?
Any of the following (directly or by implication) shall mean sexual harassment:
- • physical contact and advances
- • a demand or request for sexual favours
- • making sexually coloured remarks
- • showing pornography
- • any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non- verbal conduct of sexual nature.
Procedure to Constitute and File a Complaint
- • Write Down the Incident: Clearly describe the incident(s) in detail. Include dates, times, locations, and the names of those involved. Be specific and clear
- • Specify the Nature of Harassment: Describe how the behaviour constitutes sexual harassment as per your organization's policy.
- • Include Evidence: Attach any evidence you have collected to support your complaint.
- • Format: The complaint should generally be in writing addressed to the Presiding Officer, Internal Committee. Ensure your complaint is signed and dated.
- • Time: Complaint can be filed within three months of the incident of sexual harassment.
- • False complaints can invite penalties