Department Profile
The Bachelor of Vocation or B.Voc. was started in 2016 by Kalindi College, University of Delhi under the Vocational Education & Training Scheme of University Grants Commission (UGC) and Ministry of Skill Development, Government of India. The B.Voc.(Web Designing) is a three years full time vocational programme focused on job- oriented curriculum as per the requirements of the job market. The Faculty of Applied Social Science and Humanities, University of Delhi is regulating and looking after the Department of Vocation. We have dedicated state-of-the-art practical lab and class room which is equipped with latest technology for B.Voc.(Web Designing) programme
Scope of the Subject
The students of B.Voc.(Web Designing) are eligible to join Post Graduate (PG) Courses, various government sector jobs like – UPSC, SSC, State Public Service Commission, Banks, Railways, Central Government job, State Government job and Local Government job. Apart from all these opportunities, students may join private sector companies as well and a unique opportunity is that the students of B.Voc. can start their own business in their respective expertise/field.